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Intr-o zi  matusa mea si unchiul s-au gandit la o excursie cu avionul. Ei ne-au propus-o si noua dar si parintilor. Noi am fost de acord. De dimineta  la ora 8:00 noi am plecat de acasa cu masina. Nu dupa  mult timp am ajuns la aeroport. In timp ce unchiul s-a dus sa cumpere bilete pentru noi avionul a aterizat pe pista. El deja mai facuse o cursa . Apoi noi ne-am urcat in avion. Eram foarte uimiti pentru ca nu mai merseseram cu avionul  niciodata. Inauntru era frumos. Noi ne-am asezat pe scaune si am asteptat pana avionul a decolat. De sus pamantul se vedea ca un glob mare si lumea ca niste furnici mici. Ne-am plimbat aproape doua  ore  cand avionul a aterizat pe pista noi ne-am dat jos . Am ajuns la msina si am plecat acasa. Cand am ajuns noi le-am povestit bunicilor cum a fost excursia cu avionul.

Răspuns :

One day my aunt and uncle were thinking about a trip by plane. They have proposed a new well and parents . We agreed. Mornings at 8:00 we left home by car. Not long after I arrived at the airport . While uncle went to buy tickets for us plane landed on the runway . He already had done a race . Then we got on the plane. I was really amazed that no plane had gone before. Inside was beautiful. We were seated and waited until the plane took off . The above ground see a big globe and the world like little ants . We walked about two hours when the plane landed on the runway we got off . We reached Machines and went home. When we arrived we told the grandparents as the trip by plane.