
Va rog sa scrie un scrisoare catre Lee, intre 100-150 cuvinte. Multumesc foarte mult.
Your best friend, Lee moved to another town last year and recently wrote to you to ask what you have been doing.Wrote a letter of reply to Lee, saying what you have done lately and what plans you have for the near future.

Răspuns :

Dear Lee, I'm so glad to hear from you! Gosh, you have no idea how much I miss you, honestly. I can't even tell you how weird it is not seeing you every morning. I've gotten so used to your company, it's crazy staying away from you. But of course, if you're happy, I'm happy. I mean, seriously, Cardiff? I wish I was as lucky as you, Lee! Well, I've been really busy lately. I've had a lot of school work and stuff like that, so that's kept me occupied. But I've spent a lot of time with my brother, and I have to admit that's been really fun. I even went to the movies last Friday with him! The movie was a really sappy one, but whatever. It was pretty watchable. Last week was one of my new friends' birthday. I've mentioned him a couple of times. Does the name Liam ring a bell? Hopefully. Anyway, he threw this insane party with lots and lots of people, but all the time I kinda wished you were there, too. I really miss you. I'm glad you like Cardiff! I've seen the photos you sent me, and I have to admit I'm very, and I mean very jealous of you. You must be having the time of your life! This was supposed to be a surprise, but I can't keep it anymore. I got plane tickets! Yeah, we'll see each other pretty soon! I'll be seeing you in December, I hope you're ready! I can't wait to see you and meet all of your new friends! Arent you just as exited as I am? 'Course you are. I'm counting the minutes until seeing you! Anyway, maybe you'll call me one of these days, cause I'm sick of writing you letters all the time; it's too old school. Yours truly,..... (numele tau)x Sper ca nu e prea târziu! pup x