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                            Scuba hero rescues drowning motorist
          A scuba diver rescued a 37-year-old mororist from her car,which was 20ft under water,after she accidentally drove into a marina yesterday.
         Mother-of-two Mrs Chorpa was trying to help her father-in-law to start his car.While she was sitting in her car,she accidentally put in gear and the car suddenly leapt forward over the edge of marina.It fell onto a wooden jetty and then bounced into the water.
          Two boat repaires,Jim Fry and Road Jenkis,who were stading nearby,saw the accident.They immediately dived in and tried to free the woman from the car.Mr Jenkins said: 'The car was slowly sinking.We tried to get Mrs Chorpa to open the car door but she couldn't.She just held on to the steering wheel.'
         Fourtunately yachtsman Stuart Bowen-Davies,an experienced scuba diver,saw the accident and jumped into the water with his scuba gear.'I was on my boat getting ready to go on a dive,when suddenly I saw what was happennig.'Stuart swam towards the car,wich was sinking fast,got to the woman trought an open window and gave her some air from is scuba tank. 'As she was breating in some air,I managed to pull her out trought the window and up to the surface.My main worry was that we were too late.'
        Back on land,Stuart gave Mrs Chorpa mounth-to-mounth resuscitation.She is now recovering in hospital.

Răspuns :

Un scufundator a salvat o automobilista din masina ei, care era la 6 metri sub apa, dupa ce ea, accidental, a ajuns ieri cu masina in debarcader. Mama a doi copii, dna. Chorpa incerca sa-ti ajute socrul sa-si porneasca masina. In timp ce ea era in masina ei, din greseala a bagat in viteza si masina a tasnit brusc si a trecut peste marginea debarcaderului. A cazut intai peste peste digul de lemn si apoi a ricosat in apa. Doi barcagii, Jim Fry si Road Jenkis, care se aflau in apropiere, au vazut accidentul. Au sarit imediat in apa si au incercat sa scoata femeia din masina. Dl. Jenkins a afirmat: “Masina se scufunda incet. I-am strigat dnei. Chorpa sa deschida usa, dar n-a putut. Era cu mainile pe volan”. Din fericire iahtmanul Stuart Bowen-Davies, un scufundator experimentat, a vazut accidentul si a sarit in apa purtand echipamentul de scufundare. “Eram pe vasul meu, tocmai pregatindu-ma sa ma scufund, cand am vazut ce s-a intamplat”. Stuart a inotat spre masina care se scufunda repede, a scos femeia printr-un geam deschis si i-a dat oxigen din tubul sau. “De indata ce a inspirat aer, am reusit sa o imping afara prin geam si apoi in sus, spre suprafata. Eram ingrijorat ca ar fi putut fi prea tarziu”. Ajuns pe mal, Stuart i-a facut dnei. Chorpa respiratie de resuscitare gura-la-gura. Acum dna. Chorpa e in spital in afara oricarui pericol.