
I know that during that long march of thirty-six hours over the unnamed mountains and glaciers it often seemed to me that we were four, not three.'Explorer Steve Martin and his two team mates even made 'the fourth man' an official member of the party when they were crossing Greenland!Even though there were only three men on the expedition, they felt a fourth presence who always walked to the left of the party.They called him Fletch and he even got into the record books.'It was a bit of a joke,' Martin says,'but having a fourth member along meant you could always blame something on Fletch!' Despite feeling his presence constantly, Martin never actually saw Fletch.[tex] \\ [/tex] It is unlikely that so many serious explorers were lying.Were their minds affected by the difficult conditions experienced during their travels, or could there be another, more mysterious explanation?Va rooooog AJUTATI-MA!!!Cine raspunde primul ii mai dau 4 puncte +.

Răspuns :

Stiu durata acestui lung mars de 36 de ore peste munti si ghetari nedenumiti,adesea mi s-a parut ca suntem 4 ,nu 3.Exploratorul Steve Martin si cei doi colegi ai lui au facut "al patrulea om",un membru ofical al grupului atunci cand au facut trecerea Groenlandei!Chiar daca au fost decat 3 oameni in expeditie,au simtit o a patra prezenta care a mers mereu in stanga grupului.Ei l-au numit Fletch si el chiar a intrat in cartea recordurilor.
"A fost putina gluma",spunea Martin,"dar a avea un al patrulea membru de-a lungul calatoriei inseamna ca poti da vina intotdeauna pe Fletch.In ciuda senzatie de o prezenta constanta,Martin nu l-a vazut niciodata pe Fletch.Este putin probabil ca asa multi exploratori seriosi sa minta.Au fost mintile lor afectate de conditiile grele experimentate in timpul calatoriei,sau poate fi o alta misterioasa explicatie?
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