
O compunere descriptiva de minim 10 randuri in care sa descri o regiune in engleza!(despre clima,atmosfera,traditii,o zona care atrage turistii si de ce ii atrage)va rog ajutati-ma!!!urgent:*

Răspuns :

I want to describe Australia.It is the best continent to live in the world.High medical assistance,observing(respecting) of human rights,high school education,good wages makes this country to be the most comfortable to live in the whole world.
Australian warm tropical climate attracts people to live here.The best part of land which is populated is eastern coast.The amount of rainfall is high that's why here are grown crops as corn,banana,date palm,citrus and the others.On the eastern coast are situated the most beautiful australian cities as Melbourne,Sydney,Canberra.People are attracted here by opera halls,nice streets,and very kind people,good jobs.There are such nice place as Uluru,Heart Reef,Port Arthur and the others.I think this is a very attractive country.

Cam așa ceva.. Succese:)