
Poate cineva sa imi traduca:
The river has burst its banks and people are having to leave their homes quickly.Will the Kelly to leave home too?
Tom Kelly was out on the river is his boat.It was only a little rowing boat,but there was nothing in the world he loved more.It was raining,but Tom hardly noticed it.He didn't mind getting wet when he was out in his boat.
A man called from the path.You'd better watch out.Several trees have been blown down higher up the river and they'r floating this way.Your boat could get smashed to pieces.
Thanks for the warning,shouted Tom.
I'll bring her in now.
He began to row towards the bank.The river was running so fast that it was difficult to control the oars.
He tied the boat up and ran down the banktowards his house.

Răspuns :

Riul a rupt digul si oamenii trebuie sa-si paraseasca rapid locuintele. Va trebui sa isi abandoneze si Tom Kelly locuinta?
Tom Kelly era cu barca pe riu. Era o barca mica cu vasle, dar el o iubea mai mult decat orice pe lume. Ploua, dar Tom abia daca observa. Nu-i pasa sa fie ud cand era in barca lui.
Un om ii striga de pe mal. "Fii atent! In susul riului au fost doborati copaci si plutesc pe riu in jos. Barca ta ar putea sa se faca tandari!"
"Multumesc de avertizare!" striga Tom. "O s-o trag pe mal".
Incepu sa vasleasca spre tarm. Riul capatase o viteza atat de mare incat era greu sa manevreze vaslele.
Lega barca si alerga pe dig in jos spre casa.