
Ma ajutati va rog sa traduc acest text :

    In videoclipul prezentat de
doamna profesoara am vazut cum s-a descoperit America , cum a ajuns America un
continent atat de civilizat si de ce trebuie sa le multumim oamenilor care s-au
scarificat pentru a trai atat de bine americanii .

     In anul 1620 , 102 oameni
europeni au pornit spre India , dar au ajuns in America . Acolo indienii
americani i-au ajutat sa supravietuiasca . De atunci mai multi europeni mergeau
acolo in vacanta si au inceput sa construiasca scoli magazine si multe case .
Asa s-a dezvoltat America.

      Din acest motiv in
fiecare an trebuie sa multumim indienilor.

Răspuns :

in the video presented by the miss teacher i saw how america was descovered,how america became such a civilized continent and why we have to thank to the people who sacrificed for the well living of the americans.
in the year 1620,102 europeans made their way to india,but they reached america.there the american indians helped them to survive.since then meny europeeans were going there for holyday and they started to build school,shops and a lot of houses.
like this america developed.
for this reason we have to thank the indians every year.
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