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The words above are totally effective penetrating lyricism and in place for the following words to write. When I hear the word PATRIE involuntarily in front of my fleeting image of a green plains, abundant, some mild sheep on a hillside, a grape grapes great grandmother's lap, a peasant woman weaving at war ... and then, into finally, when reason fails sentimentality, and I lift up my eyes to a reality collide stinging thorns, aware of my existence as a citizen in a society haunted by many destructive phenomena. However, the square is the holiest place on earth, which is home to know that you can always go back. Doors open them no matter what. Why? Because you on your turn you can reward! Every word is as good and beautiful part of a shield that appear homeland. Each of us has the ability to wield the shield, because everyone is worthy to live in his own country!
Patria is the country where I was born and whose citizens are. Together with other inhabitants belong to the Romanian people. My homeland is tricolor flag. Patria is the place where souls are connected. It means vast plains, hills rich, high mountains, fast rivers, lakes gentle, incomparable and extraordinary large delta. All this life themselves and the people who live here. All this can not be forgotten and betrayed: the places and people you have connected friends, people you have shared both good and bad. In this way we Romanians have become a peaceful nation, country loving, hospitable, hardworking, friendly. That is why some of our legends give such followers of such qualities.