
Scrieti-mi si mie o compunere despre extraterestri dar sa fie scurta in engleza

Răspuns :

Pe planeta Verde din galaxia Verde din universul Verde, totul este evident… verde, inclusiv locuitorii sai, verzi . Viata este frumoasa si linistita, totul intr-o ordine perfecta . Se stie ca toti extraterestrii sunt verzi, dar putina lume cunoaste explicatia din spatele acestui adevar…  O varianta  ar putea fi ca extraterestrii de pe toate planetele sunt de fapt urmasii dinozaurilor verzi care au fugit de pe Pamant atunci cand acesta a fost lovit de un asteroid care a distrus toate celelalte specii de dinozauri. Sau poate ca omenirea a fost o greseala a Creatorului, care a uitat sa adauge culoarea verde cand ne-a facut si s-a extins

TERADUCEREA=>  On the planet of the galaxy Green Green Green universe, everything is clear ... green, including its inhabitants green. Life is beautiful and quiet, all in perfect order. We know that all aliens are green, but few really know the explanation behind this ... A variant could be aliens from all the planets are actually green dinosaur descendants who fled to Earth when it was hit by an asteroid which destroyed all the other dinosaurs. Or maybe mankind was a mistake of the Creator, who forgot to add green when we did and expanded

in thist  composition will wirite about aliens
  they are green have some very  big eyes end green skin and very sticky
  they ship very large ang with many buttons
 scientists say it will invade the planet TEREA>>>