
Complete the sentences with the correct verbs from Exercise Eight in  the Simple Past : 
1)Mary watched TV yesterday and ... an interestingprogramme.

2)Thenshe ... a letter to her friend.

3)She ... to bed late and ... until seven o'clock in the morning.

4)Mary was late for her classes , so she ... to school.

5)When Mary ... to school it was ten minutes past eight.

6)She ... her classmates through the window.

7)Mary ... she would never be late again.

Răspuns :



Complete the sentences with the correct verbs from Exercise Eight in  the Past Simple.

Completaţi  enunţurile cu verbele corecte din Exerciţiul 8, trecându-le la Past Simple Tense. Verbele sunt următoarele: to see, to go, to run, to feel, to write, to eat, to get, to sleep, to think, to say.

1) Mary watched TV yesterday and saw an interesting programme.

2) Then she wrote a letter to her friend.

3) She went to bed late and slept until seven o'clock in the morning.

4) Mary was late for her classes , so she ran to school.

5) When Mary got to school it was ten minutes past eight.

6) She saw her classmates through the window.

7) Mary said she would never be late again.



1. Past Tense exprimă o acțiune complet încheiată în trecut. Folosim cuvinte sau expresii precum „last week/month/year”, „ago”, „yesterday” ca indici de timp.

2. Majoritatea verbelor în engleză sunt regulate şi primesc terminaţia "-ed" la Past Tense şi Past Participle:

  • to paint - painted - painted
  • to wash - washed - washed

3. Altele sunt verbe neregulate şi au propriile lor forme care trebuie memorate:

  • to see - saw - seen
  • to say - said - said
  • to think - thought - thought
  • to go - went - gone