
urgentt!   trebuie tradusa in engleza dar nu de pe net repede va rog :

Bruce si paianjenul (Scotia)Cu sute de ani in urma, in Scotia domnea regele Robert the Bruce. El era curajos si intelept, lucru bun de altfel in vremurile acelea, care erau agitate si primejdioase. Regele Angliei era in razboi cu Bruce si trimisese o armata foarte mare sa cucereasca Scotia si sa o transforme intr-o parte a Angliei.

Robert the Bruce a dus batalie dupa batalie impotriva englezilor si si-a condus armata de sase ori impotriva dusmanilor. De sase ori oamenii lui au fost invinsi, iar in final au fost pusi pe fuga. Armata Scotiei era imprastiata in cele patru zari, iar regele Bruce obligat sa se ascunda prin paduri si prin munti.

Intr-o zi ploiasa, Bruce zacea intins la adapost, intr-o pestera, ascultand sunetul picaturilor de ploaie de la intrarea in pestera. Era trist si descumpanit, era pregatit sa renunte la absolut tot. I se parea ca nu mai are rost sa incerce nimic niciodata.

Cum statea el intins si se gandea, observa deasupra capului un paianjen care se pregatea sa-si teasa panza. Il urmari atent cum muncea incet si cu multa grija. De sase ori se arunca paianjenul cu firul spre celalalt perete al pesterii, de sase ori firul fu prea scurt. 
- Mititelul de tine, spuse trist Robert the Bruce, si tu stii ce inseamna sa esuezi de sase ori la rand.

Dar paianjenul nu-si pierdu speranta. Cu si mai multa grija, se pregati pentru a saptea incercare. Robert the Bruce aproape ca-si uita toate grijile, atat de concentrat si atent il urmarea pe paianjen. Acesta se arunca pentru a saptea oara cu firul subtirel. Oare va rata din nou? Nu! Firul fusese purtat cu succes pe celalalt perete al pesterii si paianjenul il lipise bine acolo. 
- Da! striga Bruce, si eu voi incerca pentru a saptea oara!

Zis si facut, se ridica, iesi din pestera si incepu sa-si adune oamenii. Le impartasi planurile lui si trimise mesaje de incurajare tuturor supusilor deznadajduiti. Nu trecu mult pana fu din nou sustinut de o armata de barbati curajosi. Se dadu a saptea batalie si, de data asta, Regele Angliei fu invins.

In curand, Anglia recunoscu Scotia ca fiind o tara independenta, cu regele legitim Robert the Bruce in frunte.

Si pana in ziua de azi, victoria si independenta Scotiei sunt legate de un painajen mic care nu a vrut sa se dea batut si care l-a inspirat pe regele Scotiei, Robert the Bruce.

Astazi, Scotia si Anglia, impreuna cu tara Galilor si Irlanda de Nord formeaza Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii.

Răspuns :

Bruce and the spider (Scotland) Hundreds of years ago, the reigning King Robert the Bruce Scotland. He was brave and wise, otherwise good thing in those days, they were troubled and dangerous. The King of England was at war with Bruce and sent a huge army to conquer Scotland and turn it into a part of England.
Robert the Bruce led battle against the English after the battle and led his army against the enemy six times. Six times his men were defeated, and finally were put to flight. Scottish army was scattered to the four corners, and King Bruce forced to hide in the woods and the mountains.
One day rainy, Bruce lay stretched shelter in a cave, listening to the sound of rain drops from the cave entrance. It was sad and disconcerted, was ready to give up everything. I seemed to be no point to try anything again.
As he sat and thought about lying, overhead observe a spider preparing to weave cloth. Watched him carefully as he worked slowly and carefully. Six times empty spider with thread to the other wall of the cave, six times the thread was too short.- Mititelul you, 'said Robert the Bruce sad, and you know what it means to fail six times in a row.
But the spider did not lose hope. With even more carefully prepare for the seventh attempt. Robert the Bruce almost forget their worries, so focused and attentive chased the spider. It is cast for the seventh time with slim thread. Do you rate again? No! The wire was held successfully on the other wall of the cave spider stuck it right there.- Yup! Bruce cry, and I will try for the seventh time!
Said and done, gets up, get out of the cave and began to gather people. We share his plans and sent messages of encouragement to all subjects despair. Before long until he was again supported by an army of brave men. It shook the seventh battle and, this time, the King of England was defeated.
Soon, England recognized Scotland as an independent country with legitimate King Robert the Bruce in his forehead.
And until today, victory and independence of Scotland are linked to a small painajen not want to give up and that inspired King of Scotland, Robert the Bruce.
Today, Scotland and England, with Wales and Northern Ireland form the United Kingdom. .. 
Bruce and the spider ( Scotland ) Hundreds of years ago, the reigning King Robert the Bruce Scotland . He was brave and wise , otherwise good thing in those days , they were troubled and dangerous . The King of England was at war with Bruce and sent a huge army to conquer Scotland and turn it into a part of England. Robert the Bruce led battle against the English after the battle and led his army against the enemy six times . Six times his men were defeated , and finally were put to flight . Scottish army was scattered to the four corners , and King Bruce forced to hide in the woods and the mountains . One day rainy , Bruce lay stretched shelter in a cave , listening to the sound of rain drops from the cave entrance . It was sad and disconcerted , was ready to give up everything. I seemed to be no point to try anything again. As he sat and thought about lying , overhead observe a spider preparing to weave cloth . Watched him carefully as he worked slowly and carefully . Six times empty spider with thread to the other wall of the cave , six times the thread was too short. - Mititelul you , 'said Robert the Bruce sad , and you know what it means to fail six times in a row. But the spider did not lose hope. With even more carefully prepare for the seventh attempt. Robert the Bruce almost forget their worries , so focused and attentive chased the spider . It is cast for the seventh time with slim thread . Do you rate again? No! The wire was held successfully on the other wall of the cave spider stuck it right there. - Yup! Bruce cry , and I will try for the seventh time ! Said and done , gets up, get out of the cave and began to gather people . We share his plans and sent messages of encouragement to all subjects despair . Before long until he was again supported by an army of brave men . It shook the seventh battle and , this time , the King of England was defeated . Soon, England recognized Scotland as an independent country with legitimate King Robert the Bruce in his forehead. And until today , victory and independence of Scotland are linked to a small painajen not want to give up and that inspired King of Scotland , Robert the Bruce . Today , Scotland and England , with Wales and Northern Ireland form the United Kingdom .