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"My lifelong addiction to walking began when I was a child. I used to meet up with my friends and go on long walks. I remember standing in the country one day with everything covered in frost. Then the sun suddenly came out and all the frost melted off the trees in a matter of seconds. It was the sort of thing you'd never see from a motor car. That kind of experience made me the person I am. I still walk whenever I can, although I'm often too busy for day-long walks now. My main concern now is encouraginig people to take greater care of the world's most important and popular sites of natural beauty."

Răspuns :

Dependenta mea de mersul pe jos lunga de o viata a inceput in copilarie. Obisnuiam sa ma intalnesc cu prietenii mei si sa facem plimbari lungi. Imi aduc aminte cand stateam la tara,  intr-o zi cand totul era acoperit cu gheata. Apoi , dintr-odata, soarele a iesit si a topit toata gheata( grindina) de pe copaci in doar cateva secunde. Era genul de lucru pe care nu l-ai fi putut vedea dintr-un automobil. Genul ala de experienta m-a facut persoana care sunt. Tot merg pe jos oricand pot, desi sunt deseori prea ocupat pentru plimbari lungi de o zi acum. Principala mea preocupare acum este ca incurajez oamenii sa aibe grija mare de cele mai importante si populare parti din frumusetea naturala.