
Tradu textu urmator:  I was walking down the read when I saw a young man in front of me. He was looking at a flower.He was so absorbed in what he was doing that he didn't notice me. There was something strange about him , judging fron the way he was moving his head and from the clothes he wear. While he was collecting some flower seeds I took his photo. It was obvious that he didn;t expect it. By the way he was looking at me I understood he was an alion. It was a bit of a shock for me. I couldn't move or shout for help. I was just standing in the path , looking at him while he was slowly approaching me. Then I notticed his friendly face and encouraging smile

Răspuns :

mergeam pe strada cand am vazut un tanar in fata mea. se uita la o floare. era atat de concentrat/atent/absorbat in ce facea incat nici nu m-a observat. era ceva ciudat la el,judecand in felul cum isi misca capul pana la hainele pe care le purta. in timp ce el colecta/lua cateva seminte, i-am facut o poza. era clar ca nu s-a asteptat la asta. in timp ce se uita la mie, am inteles ca este un extraterestru. eram putin socat. nu m-a putut misca sau sa fi strigat dupa ajutor. stateam pe alee/carare, uitandu-ma la el in timp ce ajungea la mine. dupa am observat fata lui prietenoasa si zambetul lui incurajator
mergeam pe strada cand am vazut un tanar in fata mea. se uita la o floare. era atat de concentrat in ce facea incat nici nu m-a observat. era ceva ciudat la el,judecand in felul cum isi misca capul pana la hainele pe care le purta. in timp ce el colecta/lua cateva seminte, i-am facut o poza. era clar ca nu s-a asteptat la asta. in timp ce se uita la mie, am inteles ca este un extraterestru. eram putin socat. nu m-a putut misca sau sa fi strigat dupa ajutor. stateam pe alee/carare, uitandu-ma la el in timp ce ajungea la mine. dupa am observat fata lui prietenoasa si zambetul lui incurajator