
Anotimpul meu preferat este iarna.Mie imi place iarna pentru ca putem face oameni de zapada ,ingeri din zapada ,si ne dam cu sania .Copii sunt bucurosi cand vine prima ninsoare.Fulgii cad precum ai scutura o papadie.Copii sunt rosii in obraji si la nasurile lor li s-au facut turturi. Eu o sa ma duc sa ma distrez.Osa ma dau cu patinele si ma duc pe derdelus sa ma dau cu sania.Iarna ar trebui se fie anotimpul copiilor si distractiei,cu toate ca racesti.
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My favorite season is winter I like winter because we can make snowmen, angels in the snow, and we are sleigh Children glad you came first snow flakes fall as you flick a dandelion Children cheeks are red and their noses were made icicles. I'm going to go with me to give me distrez.Osa skates and go on the slide to get out of sania.Iarna should it be children and fun season, although a cold