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As Alice was setting on the bench next to hers sister who was reading ,she felt very bored.She looked at the pages several times,but there were no pictures is it ,so she gave up.What's the use of a book she thought.If there are two pictures in it!She jannes and .Looked around .And at that mint,she saw.Something untenable a write rabbit dressed in a waistcoat,peeping at a watch and talking to himself!So she  just stood up,followed the rabbit and as the rabbit papped down a large hole  in the ground ,she jumped after it without thinking.

Răspuns :

Cand Alice statea pe banca langa surorile ei care citeau, se simtea plictisita. Se uita la pagini de cateva ori, dar nu erau imagini in ea, asa ca s-a da batuta."Care este folosul cartii?" a gandit. Si in acel minut, ea a vazut. Ceva de neconceput, un iepure alb imbracat in vesta, (peeping) la un ceas si vorbind cu el insusi. Asa ca, ea s-a ridicat, a urmarit iepurele si cand acesta a intrat intr-o gaura mare in pamant, ea s-a aruncat dupa el fara sa gandeasca