
1) Comentariu legat de educatie:
Writing advice:
Imagine you are giving advice to a younger person.(aproximativ o coala.)+Traducerea compunerii
2)Completează următoarele fraze cu opinii:
The important things to remember about education is...
One of the most important things about a job is medic,because...
In relationship, what”s important is...
When you”re going through a rough patch,it”s important to...
The important thing about...(in general)
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Răspuns :

1)Education is very important. It defines who you are as a person, and more than that, it helps you success in life. Without education, you're nothing. You must work hard in order to achieve your goals, indeed, but later in life you'll be proud of yourself for achieving your wish, and you might not even have to work as hard as before. Do it all when you're young so you won't have to struggle and be stressed at an older age. The more you work, the better your life will be. However, the way to success is not always quick nor is it easy. You'll deal with many difficult moments. But that's what makes you stronger - the ability to overcome these difficulties! Keep your head up and always try and be positive. It's not the time to joke around, life sometimes requires tough decisions and you must be confident in yourself and pleased with your work. Never give up and be the best! (Nu stiu daca e o pagina.. cred ca e mai puțin, dar nu stiu ce sa mai zic.) Traducerea: Educatia este foarte importanta. Te defineste cine esti ca persoana, si mai mult de atat, de ajuta sa reusesti in viata.Fara educatie nu esti nimic. Trebuie sa muncesti din greu pentru a-ti indeplini telurile, intr-adevar, dar mai tarziu in viata o sa fii mandru de tine ca ti-ai indeplinit dorinta, si s-ar putea chiar sa nu mai fi nevoit sa muncesti atat de greu. Fa-o cand esti tanar ca sa nu trebuiasca sa te chinui si sa fii stresat la o varsta inaintata. Cu cat muncesti mai mult, cu atat mai buna va fii viata ta. Cu toate acestea, calea spre succes nu este mereu rapida si nici usoara. Vei avea parte de multe momente dificile. Dar asta este ceea ce te face mai puternic - abilitatea de a trece peste aceste greutati. Tine-ti capul sus si incearca mereu sa fii pozitiv. Nu este timpul sa te joci (cu sensul de a fi neserios), viata uneori cere decizii dure iar tu trebuie sa fii increzator si multumit de munca ta. Nu te da batut niciodata si fii cel mai bun! 2)The important things to remember about education is that it without education you won't succeed and that you need to work hard. One of the most important jobs is medic, because you're saving people's lives and if you do a mistake it's your fault for them dying. In a relationship, what's important is to trust eachother. When you're going through a rough patch, it's important to keep your head up, think positively and remember to not give up. The important thing about.. (scuze, aici nu am priceput. Trebuia sa mai fie un cuvant dupa about sau trebuia sa scriu eu despre orice? Oricum, sper ca e buna compunerea, scuze daca e prea scurta.)