
Traduceti-mi acceste propozitii in Engleza dar sa fie corectee!! ofer 20 puncte
1..REgele se numea Nidas
2.Regele era furios pentru ca nu putea manca.
3.Palatul lui era mare si facut din aur
4.Tot ce regele atingeea se facea din aur.
5.Zeul i-a mai dat o singura sansa.
6.Regele a devenit bun si nu se mai gandea la aur.

Răspuns :

The king's name was Midas.
The king bacame angry because he could not eat anything.
His palace was huge and was made of gold.
Everything the king touched became/turned to/ gold.
The god gave him another chance.
The king became good and did not think of gold anymore.