
Traduceti textul din romana in engleza, transformandu-l la persoana a III-a (va rog, nu de pe google translate):

Traduceti Textul Din Romana In Engleza Transformandul La Persoana A IIIa Va Rog Nu De Pe Google Translate class=

Răspuns :

They tundered in the distance. Suddenly, a whistling wind sparked up. The leaves rised up in the air, and then upon him. The trees on the hill waved with hallucinating moves.
It heaved to resist the storm.
At one point, it's trunk, helpless in front of the plague, fell down boisterous. It's crown was wandering giddy on the sidewalk.
They furrowed the sky. They gleamed for a second among the black clouds, and then were hiding. to gather their forces. They were coming back more powerful, followed by a sudden rumble.
When it started, I sheltered. She was watching the big raindrops fascinated. Shortly they started to flow. She didn't believe that her treet had become a raging river.
After they ceased the assault, I dared to exit the den and romp in the rain. It fascinated me. When I got home, it was already clear. She was sure that she lived an unique and unforgettable experience