a fost răspuns

CINE IMI TRADUCE SI MIE ?o paguba de milioane lire sterline a fost cauzata de o furtuna in Nordul Angliei ,noaptea trecuta.Raul Ribble s-a revarsat pe malurile sale dupa multa ploaie .Multi oameni au fost salvati din calea ugoaielor de catre pompierii care au primit sute de apeluri de ajutor.Viteza  vantului a atins 90 de mile/h ,unele locuri au fost blocate de copacii cazuti,iar linile de electricitate au fost daramate ,lasand mii de locuinte fara electricitate .Se face tot posibilul ca lucrurile sa revina la normal,zise un purtator de cuvant

Răspuns :

a million pounds damage was caused by a storm in Northern England
a million pounds damage was caused by a storm in the North of England Ribble trecuta.Raul night flowed on its banks after much rain Plenty of people were rescued by firefighters way ugoaielor receiving hundreds of calls ajutor.Viteza winds reached 90 miles / h , some places were blocked by fallen trees and power lines were been demolished , leaving thousands of homes without electricity .It is doing everything possible to return to normal things , 'said a spokesman