
Salut imi trebuiesc si mie 15 prop la superlativ in engleza si 15 la egalitate Plz Dau 15 puncte xD

Răspuns :

la egalitate ti-am raspuns la alta intrebare.
1.This pie is very delicious. (aceasta placinta este foarte delicioasa)
2.This dog is very pretty.(acest caine este foarte dragut)
3.This girl is the prettiest! (aceasta fata este cea mai draguta)
4. This puppy is the most beautiful puppy in the world! (acest catelus este cel mai frumos catelus din lume!)
5.This hand-writing is the ugliest! (acest scris de mana este cel mai urat!)
6.You're the most courteous boy! (esti cel mai politicos baiat! )
7.You're the sweetest thing! (tu esti cel mai dulce lucru! )
8. Don't say she's the most beautiful! (nu spune ca ea e cea mai frumoasa! )
9.He's very pretty. (el e foarte dragut)
10.She has the most beautiful smile in the world.(are cel mi frumos zambet in lume)
11.It's a long way to the sweetest girl I know.(este un drum lung pana la cea mai dulce fata pe care o cunosc)
12.Today's history lesson was the most interesting lesson.(Lectia de istorie de azi a fost cea mai interesanta lectie)
13.Andrew was the most tired when he came back. (Andrew a fost cel mai obosit cand a venit inapoi)
14.He was the friendliest. (el a fost cel mai prietenos)
15. Mirror,mirror on the wall,who is the fairest of us all? (oglinda oglinjoara,cine-i cea mai frumoasa-n tara?) Sper ca te-am ajutat! :)