Subiect + to be (conjugat in functie de persoana) + Verbul la infinitiv + terminatia "-ing"
I'm writing an article now.
Scriu un articol acum.
They are playing football.
Ei joaca fotbal.
She is having lunch at this moment.
Ea ia pranzul in acest moment.
To be (conjugat in functie de persoana) + Subiect + Verbul la infinitiv + terminatia "-ing"
Am I writing an article now?
Scriu eu un articol acum?
Are they playing football?
Joaca ei fotbal?
Is she having lunch at this moment?
Ia ea pranzul in acest moment?
Subiect + to be (conjugat in functie de persoana) + not + Verbul la infinitiv + terminatia "-ing"
Se folosesc adesea contractiile isn't (is + not) si aren't (are + not)
I'm not writing an article now.
Eu nu scriu un articol acum.
They aren't playing football.
Ei nu se joaca fotbal.
She isn't having lunch at this moment.
Ea nu ia pranzul in acest moment.