
Traduceti in romana :
Dear Barbara ,
I am writing to let you know
the arrangements for our evening at the Jazz Club in Oxford . I've
arranged for us to go on Friday 9 th February . Could you let me know as
son as possible if you're not going to be able to make it ?
We are
travelling to Oxford by minibus . The bus will pick us up outside the
Town Hall at 5.30. The driver says the journey will take around two
hours . Although you can get food at the club , it's quite expensive and
so I suggest that you eat before you come .
There are plenty of
tickets so we'll buy them when we get there . They're slightly cheaper
before 8 p.m. . The show finishes at 10.30, which means that we won't be
back until about 12.30. I hope that 's convenient for everyone .
I don't hear from you , I'll see you on Friday 9th February at
5.30.Please don't be late as the bus won't wait longer than ten minutes
.By the way , don't forget to tell your host family that you'll need an
early supper .

Yours sincerely ,
Renata Boldoni
Ms Renata Boldoni
Social Secretary

Răspuns :

Draga Barbara,

Iti scriu ca sa te informez in legatura cu aranjamentele pentru seara noastra la Clubul de Jazz din Oxford. Am aranjat sa mergem pe 9 februarie. Anunta-ma cat de repede poti daca poti participa.
Calatorim la Oxford cu minubuzul. Autobuzul ne ia din susul Primariei la 5.30. Soferul zice ca va dura cam 2 ore calatoria. Desi putem lua masa la club, e cam scump si iti sugerez sa maninci inainte de plecare.
Exista destule bilete, asa ca le vom cumpara dupa ce ajungem acolo. Sunt putin mai ieftine inainte de ora 8 seara. Spectacolul se termina la 10,30, ceea ce inseamna ca nu vom fi inapoi inainte de 12.30. Sper ca asta sa convina tuturor.
Daca n-am nici o veste de la tine, ne vedem vineri 9 februarie la 5.30. Te rog nu intarzia deoarece autobuzul nu asteapta mai multe de 10 minute.
A propos, nu uita sa le spui gazdelor tale ca va trebui sa cinezi devreme.
Cu sinceritate
D. Renata Boldoni
Secretar Social