
1.Translate into english:
1.Tanara femeie care vorbeste limba franceza este sora mea .
2.Umbrela care este pe canapea este noua.
3.Fusta ai carui fermoar este rupt este a mamei.
4.Meciul care a castigat ieri a fost important pentru echipa noastra .
5.Cartea a carei coperti lipseste este a mea .
6.Cuvintele care sunt scrise gresit trebuie sa fie rescrise.

Răspuns :

1.The young woman who speaks French is my sister.
2.Umbrella is on the couch is new.
3.Whose skirt zipper is broken is the mother.
4.Who won yesterday's match was important for our team.
5.The book whose cover is missing mine.
6.The words that are misspelled must be rewritten.
Sper ca te-am ajutat?
The young woman who speaks french is my sister. The umbrella which is on the couch is new. The skirt,whose zipper is broken is mother's. The game which we won yesterday was important for our team. The cover,whose book is lost is mines. The words which are written wrong must be rewritten.