
scrie o compunere in engleza de 10 randuri in care sa argumentezi de ce iti place vara.

Răspuns :

Out of all the season's I can think of, there is only one that comes to mind. That would be summer, the best season of them all. There are many reasons to why I think summer is the best, I mean, with winter, spring, and the fall. Yeah, they are all great season's too, but summer blows them all out of the water.My first reason to why I think summer is the greatest, is because school is over. This is why so many kids love summer. They don't have to go to school. No more nerve-wrecking tests, pop quizzes, homework, or projects. Summer is just meant for you to have fun and relax. It is meant for you to hang out with your friends, go to the movies, and the parties.
You asked me why I love summer, well I will answer you honestly. In summer u can hear the birds singing and the dogs playing and the kids playing in the grass, the flowers blooming, and of course the beach. So if u ask someone why they like summer don't expect only 2 words. That's my opinion hope u like it