
Cine ma poate ajuta cu o compunere simpla de vreo 120 de cuvinte in engleza?Trebuie sa aiba urmatoarele cerinte:1.It was very late.John couldn''t see
because it was dark.He was afraid.2."How could I have been so wrong?"he wondered...3."Who is there?"He asked,in a sleepy voice and heading to the door....Va multumesc!

Răspuns :

It was very late in the summer.John couldn't see because it was so dark.How could i have been so wrong?he wondered..The light was off,and no one could repair the power.Suddenly a voice was heard...Who is there?He asked,in a sleeping voice to the door...I'm the engineer,would you open the door?...he entered,repaired the problem,and leaved..then,the air conditionig was working,and he could sleep..