
Buna! Ma puteti ajuta si pe mine cu tema aceasta la engleza? va roggg multtt...
Sa facem un interviu unei personalitatii din sec . 20-21 va rogggg mult

Răspuns :

Today I will made an interview to Albert Einstein . Albert Einstein it's a personality from 20 century.So here we start . First question :
- Albert where are you from?
- I am from Ulm , Germany 
- And where did you grow up?
- I spend all my childhood in Munchen .
- And how do you feel being the most inteligent human on the earth?
- I can say I am the most inteligent human on the earth , I have meet many people who are alo smart but they are staying in the shadows.
- Tell me more about the theory of relativity.
- I guees this is something that can't be explain just like that you have to undersand it , and it will took me hours to make you undersand how I start this and how I and end up to the final theory. 
- I didn't  thought that you will speak to me so nice , yo are vety kind
- Thank you , speaking to humans at theier level it's important to me .
- How do you see our planet over 100 years?
- I think that if people doesn't learn how to take care of our planet the earth will not resist that long . Our planet it's working on a very fragil armony and if people distroy it then the earh will desepear .
- Very interesting , what should we do ?
- Just protect nature and let the universe function in his way .
- Thank you Albert , you are a genius .
- Thank you too , I hope my work will be remaing in timp and help you people upgrade this world !