
Va rog sa ma ajutati sa traduc propozitiile(nu ma prea pricep la engleza):
1.Eu imi faceam temele cand telefonul a sunat.Era prietenul meu George.El dorea sa jucam tenis.
2.In timp ce colegii mei citeau lectia,eu ma uitam pe geam.
3.Am vazut un film interesant aseara
4.-Ce faceai ieri la ora 12.00?
-Oh,dormeam!Eram foarte obosit.
5.Extraterestrul purta haine ciudate si vorbea o limba necunoscuta.

Răspuns :

1.i was doing my homeworks when my phone ring . It was my friend George.He wanna to play tennis.
2.when my classmates rode the lesson  , i was loking to the window
3.i saw a intresting movie yesterday
4.-what you was doing yesterday at 12.00 o”clock?
  -oh,i was slipping ! i was verry trierd.
5.the alien was waring wird chlothes amd spok a wird leanguege
1)I was doing my homework when the telephone rang.It was my friend,George. He wanted to play tennis. 2) While my classmates were reading the lesson,I was staring out the window. 3)I saw an interesting movie yesterday. 4) What were you doing yesterday at twelve o'clock? -Oh,I was asleep! I was very tired. 5)The alien was wearing strange clothes and spoke an unknown language.