
Am nevoie de o traducere in limba engleza. Dar, va rog, sa nu fie luata de pe Google Translate. As vrea dintr-un dictionar. Multumesc anticipat :*
  ''De mic copil am indragit si experimentat dansul.
Noul apartament al parintilor mei era in renovare.Aveam trei ani si jumatate. Unchiul meu lucra cu bormasina. Auzind zgomotul produs, am incaput sa dansez.
   De atunci, inscrisa fiind de mama la cercul de dans, am intrat in aceasta lume fabuloasa.''

Răspuns :

Since i was a kid i loved to dance.  My parents' new flat was in renovation. I was 3 and a half years. My uncle was using the drill. When i heard the sound, i started to dance. Since then, my mom entered my name in dance lessons. I Walker into this fabulos world!