
Traducere va rog in română perfect. 1. Here we are, just back from Greece, and I can't wait to tell you all about our wonderful holiday. First I want to thank you. It was nice of you to take us to the airport. 2. The first eveningwe did some shopping. The next morning we climbet up to The Acropolis. We also visited old temples and museums. Athens is fantastic! Then we had a delicious meal in a Greek restaurant. The musicians played tradițional Greek musicians. Everything was exciting! 3. From Piraeus, that is near Athens, we travelled to Corfu by ship. Corfu is a Greek island. We walked around the island. It was very hot and we did some swimming. 4. The local people were very friendly and invited us to spend the eveningsinging and dancing with them. Imagine, I danced Greek dances! We had a wonderful time! Love Steve

Răspuns :

1. Iata-ne inapoi din Grecia si de-abia astept sa-ti povestesc totul despre minunata noastra excursie. In primul rand as vrea sa-ti multumesc. A fost frumos din partea ta ca ne-ai dus la aeroport.
2. In prima seara am facut niste cumparaturi. In dimineata urmatoare am urcat pe Acropole. Am vizitat si vechile temple si muzee. Atena e fantastica. Apoi am mancat o masa delicioasa intr-un restaurant grecesc. Muzicantii au cantat cantece traditionale grecesti. Totul era atat de emotionant!
3. De la Pireu, care e langa Atena, am calatorit spre Corfu cu vaporul. Corfu e o insula greceasca. Ne-am plimbat in jurul insulei. Era foarte cald si am inotat.
4. Localnicii erau foarte prietenosi si ne-au invitat sa petrecem seara cantand si dansand cu ei. Imagineaza-ti, eu dansand dansuri grecesti! Ne-am distrat de minune!
Cu drag, Stefan