
Traduceti-mi si mie urmatoarele prop va rog :
-Cine la ajutat pe Augustus sa iasa din ciocolata topita ?
-ce le placea la Oompa -loompas sa faca ?
-Cine erau oompa-loompas ?
-ce facea Augustus daca nu stia sa inoate ?
-care era mancarea pe care o mancau mereu oompa-loompas ?
-ce le-a dat dl .Wonka la oompa-loompas ?
-ce a cerut vreruca de la tatal ei ?
-ce a facut Augustus in timp ce dl Wonka vorbea ?
-de unde veneau oompas-loompas ?

Răspuns :

Who was helping Agustus to get out of the melted chocolate?
What they like to Oompa-loompas to do?
Who was Oompa-loompas?
What did Augustus if it didnt know who to swim?
What food did  Oompa-loompas always eat?
What did mister Wonka to Oompa-loopmas?
What did Vreruca asked from his father?
What did Augustus when mister Wonka talks?
From where Oompa-loopmas come?