
Cine imi traduce si mie in engleza urmatoarea compunere . Va rog , am nevoie urgent .

A sosit primavara.Totul incepe sa iasa la viata.Miile de stoluri de pasari se intorc pe rand pe rand in tara noastra.
Pe campuri a inceput sa iasa fire de iarba cu o culoare de un vrede crud.
Pasarile au venit din tarile calde.Florile au inceput sa infloreasca.Iarba frageda se iveste de sub pamantul moale.Cerul este curat precum gospodariile oamenilor.Pe cer,felinarele s-au aprins si lumineaza potecile invelite in umbre.Luna isi trimite razele reci sa vegheze peste lumea adormita.Vantul cald misca ramurile pletoase ale batranei salcii . Fiica cea mai tanara a anului, a adus odata cu ea multa bucurie. Totul este ca intr-un vis: pasari de tot felul cu ciripitul lor, florile de toate culorile care improspateaza natura, iarba cea proaspata, izvorul cel cristalin si cel mai important element, soarele care trimite oamenilor o raza de speranta!
Primavara este cel mai placut si cel mai induiosator anotimp, de nu am cuvinte sa-l descriu asa cum se cuvine, dar este anotimpul cu cea mai multa miscare, si de aceea, il iubesc.

P.S : Imi cer scuze daca sunt greseli gramaticale , sunt grabit .

Răspuns :

Spring has been arrived. All begins to come to life. TThe flowers are beginning to bloom. Young grass emerges from under heaven is clean and soft earth people households. The sky lanterns were lit and illuminates the paths wrapped in shadows. Luna sends its rays over the world to watch Sleeping cold. Warm wind moves branches weeping willows of tired. The youngest daughter of the year brought with it much joy. Everything is like in a dream, birds of all kinds with their chirping, flowers of all colors that refreshes nature, the fresh grass, the source of the crystalline and the most important element, the sun that send people a ray of hope!
Spring is the most pleasant and most endearing season, I have no words to describe it as it should, but the season with more movement, and therefore love himhousands of flocks of birds are back on one at a time in our country.The fields threads started out with a grass-green color. The birds came from warm countries.  
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