
TRaduceti in engleza textul urmator :
M-am trezit brusc din somn, un vis straniu ma purtase pe taramuri necunoscute... Deschid ochii usor si privesc spre geam , o raza de soare poposi pe obrazul meu si ma incalzi usor . Cu greu hotarasc sa ma ridic din pat si ma indrept spre oglinda mare din fata patului si observ ceva ciudat . Razele soarelui pareau sa patrunda prin ea "ciudat" . Intind mana si ating oglinda cu varful degetului. Acesta patrunse prin suprafata oglinzii si simtii o caldura binefacatoare venind de dincolo. Imi fac curaj si introduc toata mana, apoi un picor si in final intru cu totul.
Aici ma trezesc intr-o lume diferita de cea reala, o lume de vis, ireala…totul in jur este de sticla sau cel putin asa pare. In fata mea se infatisa o camera a carei mobila era din sticla . M-am speriat putin , crezand ca nu o sa mai ies de acolo niciodata. M-am uitat in jur si am zarit o usa , am deschis-o si ducea intr-o gradina frumoasa ca-n povesti , plina de pomi si flori . Incep sa alerg , sa ma bucur de tot ce am vazut , dar dintr-o data m-am oprit vazand o casuta . Am intrat in ea si acolo erau trei zane . Am facut cunostinta si le.am spus ca vreau sa ma intorc in lumea reala . Acestea au spus ca pentru acest lucru trebuie sa stau o noapte in padure , singura , cu tot felul de vietati . Atunci m-am speriat si am inceput sa plang rugandu-le sa sa faca o magie sa ajung inapoi in patul meu .
Nici nu stiu cum s-a intamplat ca deja eram in pat , ca si cum nu s-ar fi intamplat nimic … deci stau si ma gandesc daca am visat asau oglinda este intr-adevar magica . Acum chiar vreau sa aflu raspunsul !
Ofer 40 de puncte !!!

Răspuns :

I woke up suddenly, a strange dream carried me away to an unknown land. I opened gently my eyes and glimpsed at the window; a sun ray touched my face and warmed it gently. I hardly decided to get up and go towards the big mirror that was in front of my bed and I noticed something strange. The sunbeams seemed to penetrate strangely into it. I stretched my hand to touch the surface with the tip of my finger. It got through the surface of the mirror and I felt a pleasant warmth coming from there. I plucked up my heart and slid my whole hand through the surface, then a leg and finally I passed through it entirely. I found myself in a different world comparing to the real one, a world of dream, unreal… Everything around was made by glass or, at least, seemed to be of glass… A room with glass furniture appeared in front of me. I felt frightened a little, because I thought I would never get out of there. Looking around, I saw a door; I opened it; it led to such a beautiful garden like in fairy tales, full of trees and flowers. I started running around, enjoying everything I saw, but I stopped when I saw a little cottage. I entered… There were three fairies inside. I told them who I was and asked them to take me back to my real world. They said it could be done provided that I stayed one night in the woods together with all sort of beings. I became more frightened and I started to cry, asking them to do a magic so that I got back to my bed. I couldn’t realize what did it happen, but I was in my bed, as if nothing happened.
I wonder if it was a dream or the mirror is really magical. It’s time that I find out the answer.

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