
O cumpunere in engleza despre fumat ( efectele acestuia dezavantaje si avantaje ) + la final o concluzie URGENTTTTT

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Today it is known that smoking means high rates of illness and death in current and former smokers. Moreover, smoking is the leading cause of death can be prevented.Many significant disease caused by smoking: cardiovascular diseases, respiratory, reproductive, and cancers affecting various organs and body parts. In addition to the well-known consequences on lung cancer and respiratory disease, smoking also causes various morbidities such as low bone density, nuclear cataract, bladder cancer and reduced fertility. These problems can affect young and middle-aged smokers and smoker increases as age increases and the frequency of diseases caused by smoking.Health benefits of quitting smoking are immediate and stable over time. After 15 years, the risk of heart attack or stroke is the same as someone who has never smoked.No matter how old or how many packages you ready smoke daily health and your appearance will be the first recipient outside of your quitting smoking.Your gesture will be as important to the family - children or partner nonsmoker inhaling cigarette smoke unwittingly and face every day, the same risk of illness as you.It may seem incredible, but your body begins to recover from the first minute without tobacco. From the moment you quit smoking, time is running out in your favor. Withhow this time is longer, the more your way to shorten considerably the quality of nonsmoker and your health prognosis is more favorable.1 HealthIn general, smokers believe they are aware of carry-tele you smoking on health.Well, there are. They can not afford to gan-deasca to cancer and heart, because if they did, they would shatter even the illusion of smoking pleasure. Doctors say that every minute counts.Smokers who quit before age 50 is reduced by half the risk of dying in the next 15 years compared with those who continue.Women who quit smoking at age 65 have a life expectancy almost 4 years longer than those who continue to smoke.And the conclusion would be to quit smoking because they are its effects, and they are not good but not bad for your health even tuturr who smoke and those around them.Although some of them know that their health is in danger but they still continue !!