
De tradus va rog frumos. The dog is carrying its master's news pa pers. Scott was White Fang's new master. He was a good man and soon White Fang began to like him. Later they became friends. Friend ship was something new for the dog. He felt it for Scott, his master, not for Mat. White Fang used to work all day. At night he used to guard his master's things. And he liked what he did. One day his master began to pack and soon he left. White Fang fell sick for the first time în his life and Mat took him into the house. Then Scott got a letter from Mat: 'The dog cannot work, cannot eat. I don't know what to do with him. ' One night White Fang got to his feet and ran to the door barking happily. A minute later Scott walked in. When he saw the dog, Scott sat on the floor and stroked the dog's head. White Fang put his head on his master's arm and became silent. He was so happy to see his friend again

Răspuns :

Ciinile duce maestrului gazeta. Scott a fost a lui  White Fang master. El a fost un om bun and curind White Fang a inceput sa il placa. Apoi ei au devenit prieteni. Prietenia a fost ceva nou pentru ciine. El simtea pentru Scott, maestrul lui , nu pentru Mat. White Fang , incerca sa lucreze toata ziua. Noaptea el obisnuia sa pazeasca lucrurile maestrului sau. Si lui ii place ce face. Intr-o zi , mestrul sau a inceput sa impacheteze cit de curind venise. White Fag se seimtea rau pentru prima data in viata lui , si Mat l-a luat in casa. Apoi Scott a primit o scrisoare de la Mat 'Ciinile nu poate lucra , nu poate minca. Nu stiu ce sa fac cu el. ' Intr-o noapte , White Fag s-a ridicat si a alergat la usa latrind fericit. Un minut apoi Scott  a intrat. Cind a vazut ciinele , Scot a stat  pe podea si mingia capul ciinelui. White Fang si-a pus capul pe picioarele maestrului si a devenit tacut. El a fost foarte fericit sa isi vada prietenul din nou. 
(White Fang - nu se traduce deoarece este un nume , si numele niciodata nu se traduc! )