
Imi puteti traduce urmatoarea compunere/poezie(ce o fi ea)?
The Best Day of the year!
by Paco
1.The best day of the year was when I went to the funfair with Lary.
2.We bought tickets for all thescary ides-the best one was the Monster House!
3.Later,we ate burgers and chis for dinner and the waiter gave us free Coke!
4.In the evening,we stayed to atch the fireworks and we left the funfair at eight o'cloc.It was a really special day!

Răspuns :

                    Cea mai frumoasa zi din an .

                                                                                                   dupa Paco

Cea mai frumoasa zi din an a fost când m-am dus cu Lary la parcul de distractii.

Noi ne-am cumparat tichete pentru cea mai buna casa de monstri.

Noi am mancat burgheri si cipsuri la cina si servitorul a chemat un bucatar ( cred )

seara noi am stat sa vedem pompierii si noi am venit acasa de la parcul de distractii la ora 8.a fost o zi foarte  speciala