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Ex 6 :. Rewrite the sentences so that they mean the samne as the first one . In each case , use the words in brackets .
1.The last time I bought a comic I was in junior school , I ___________ (not buy , since ) .
2. My brother hasn`t wasked since las Sunday . That was seven days ago !
My brother ______ ( not wash , for )
3. My favourite comic is Archine . I have read it for years .
I ________ ( start ,ago )
4. I`re read Asterix since I was 11 .
I________ (start , when)
5. The first time I read Batman was in 1986. I still read it every week . I_______(read ,since)

Răspuns :



Rewrite the sentences so that they mean the same as the first one. In each case, use the words in brackets.

Rescrieţi enunţurile astfel încât să aibă acelaşi înţeles cu cel din primul enunţ. În fiecare situaţie, folosiţi cuvintele din paranteze.


1. The last time I bought a comic I was in junior school, I haven't bought one since  then.

Ultima oară când am cumpărat o bandă desenată eram la şcoala primară, nu am mai cumpărat niciuna de atunci.

2. My brother hasn't washed since last Sunday. That was seven days ago!

My brother hasn't washed for seven days!

Fratele meu nu s.a mai spălat de duminica trecută. Asta a fost acum şapte zile. Fratele meu nu s-a mai spălat de şapte zile!

3. My favourite comic is Archie. I have read it for years.  I started reading Archie many years ago.

Banda desenată preferată a mea este Archie. Am citit-o de ani de zile. Am început să citesc Archie cu mulţi ani în urmă.

4. I've read Asterix since I was 11. I started to read it when I was 11.

Citesc Asterix de când aveam 11 ani. Am început să îl citesc de când aveam 11 ani.

5. The first time I read Batman was in 1986. I still read it every week. I've read it since 1986.

Prima dată când am citit Batman era în 1986. Încă îl mai citesc în fiecare săptămână. Îl citesc din 1986.