
Traduceti in romana , urgent :

Your mother has some pretty funny ideas ! Dad told Mum . What a present to give a child . Mum was annoyed and she said that dad never approved of anything her mother ( my granny) did , and it was wrong to talk like that in front of little Nicholas , and it was a wonderful present , and asked if I could take my camera to school andmum said , yes , but mind I didn't get it confiscated. Dad shrugged his shoulders and then he and I looked at the instructionsandhe showed me how to work it .
It was dead easy .
At school I showed my camera to Alec , who was sitting next to me , and I said we'd take lots of photographs at break. When I got out in the playground the gang all gathered round . Now we'll take some photos , I said . Everyone get into a group! So all the gang piled up in front of me , even including Cuthbert , who is top of the class and teacher's pet.

Răspuns :

Mama ta are niste idei amuzante! Tata i-a zis mamei. Ce cadou sa i dau unui copil. Mama era enervata si i-a spus ca tata niciodata nu a fost de acord cu ceva ce mama ei (bunica mea) a facut, si era gresit sa vorbesti asa de fata cu micul Nicholas, si era un cadou grozav si am intrebat daca pot sa imi iau camera la scoala si mama a zis da, dar sa nu mi se confiste. Tata a dat din umeri si dupa el si cu mine ne-am uitat la instructiuni si mi-a aratat cum sa o folosesc. Era foarte usor. La scoala i-am aratat lui Alec camera mea, care statea langa mine, si am spus ca o sa facem multe fotografii in pauza. Cand am iesit afara la locul pentru jucat echipa toata a venit. Acum vom face niste fotografii, am spus. Toata lumea sa faca un grup! Deci toata echipa s-a ingramadit in fata mea, chiar si Cuthbert, care este in fruntea clasei si animalul profesorului.