
va rog vreu si eu traducerea in engleza
Se supune ca scriitorul pierde cu fecare vis povestit cate un cititor, ca visele plictisesc intr-o povestire, find doar o metoda comoda si invechita de punere in abis. Rareori, intr-adevar, un vis este semnificativ pentru celalat. In plus, scriitorii construiesc cateodata visul la calibrul cerut, care sa reflecte si sa ordoneze realitatea difuza a povestirii. pentru ca vreau sa incep povestirea acesta cu un vis, incerc sa ma apar cumva de acuzatia de lene si naivitate care s-ar declansa automat.

Răspuns :

It is said that the writer loses a reader with every told dream, that dreams bore into a story, as they are just an easy going and old method of putting into abyss. Rarely, indeed, one dream is significant for the other. Besides, the writers sometimes build the dream at the required caliber, to reflect and to order the diffused reality of the story. Because I want to begin this story with a dream, I try to defend myself somehow from the accusation of laziness and naivete which would trigger automatically.