
De tradus din romana in engleza:
Nicholas primeste cadou de la bunica lui o camera foto . El este foarte fericit insa tatal lui nu este de acord cu ce face bunica . Nicholas isi i-a camea foto la scoala, i-o arata lui Alec ,ei decid sa faca poze in pauza. Merg in locul de joaca se strang intr-un grup mare, o mica problema a fost montarea camerei foto. Dar la final au facut poze amuzante. Nicholas se contrazice cu Geoffrey despre blit , incep sa se bata. Old Spuds ii i-a camera lui Nicholas cu gandul sa o confiste dar i-o da inapoi dupa ce ii promite ca nu se mai bate. Acasa face poze cu familia lui , tatal lui se duce sa developeze pozele, si decide sa puna camera foto pe dulap.

Răspuns :

Nicholas receives a gift from his grandmother camera. He is very happy but his father does not agree with grandma makes. Nicholas takes Camea camera to school, and a show Alec, they decide break to take pictures. Go to the playground gather in a large group, a small problem was camera mounting. But in the end they did funny pictures. Nicholas contradicts with Geoffrey 'sabout flash, begin to fight. Old Spuds Nicholas takes his room thinking to seize but gives it back after promises that no longer beats. Home made pictures of his family, his father goes to develop in the pictures, and decides to put the camera on the closet.