
O propoziție in engleza si traducerea cu:recepție, cameră pentru o persoană, pentru a verifica,camera dubla, sezonul de vârf .
Imi trebuie acum !!! Plizz

Răspuns :

When I arrived at the hotel I went to the reception desk.
"I would like a single room, please"
"Can you wait a moment, sir, to check if we have single vacancies"
If you don't have single rooms, I can take a double, too"
I know that in July it is high season, and it is difficult to find single rooms"

Arriving at the reception desk, I ask the receptionist to check if they had any available single room, or, because it was high season, if they had double rooms available.

Sosind la receptie, am rugat receptionerul sa verifice daca aveau disponibla vreo camera pentru o persoana, sau, intrucat era sezon de varf, daca avea disponibile camere duble.