
Cine imi poate traduce asta corect in romana ?

But this murder--was it to dog him all his life? Was he always to be burdened by his past? Was he really to confess? Never. There was only one bit of evidence left against him. The picture itself-- that was evidence. He would destroy it. Why had he kept it so long? Once it had given him pleasure to watch it changing and growing old. Of late he had felt no such pleasure. It had kept him awake at night. When he had been away, he had been filled with terror lest other eyes should look upon it. It had brought melancholy across his passions. Its mere memory had marred many moments of joy. It had been like conscience to him. Yes, it had been conscience. He would destroy it.

He looked round and saw the knife that had stabbed Basil Hallward. He had cleaned it many times, till there was no stain left upon it. It was bright, and glistened. As it had killed the painter, so it would kill the painter's work, and all that that meant. It would kill the past, and when that was dead, he would be free. It would kill this monstrous soul-life, and without its hideous warnings, he would be at peace. He seized the thing, and stabbed the picture with it.

Răspuns :

Dar această crimă - era să-l câine toată viața lui? A fost el mereu a fi afectat de trecutul său? A fost el cu adevărat să mărturisească? Niciodată. Nu a fost doar un pic de dovezi stânga împotriva lui. Imaginea itself-- care a fost o dovadă. El ar distruge. De ce a păstrat atât de mult timp? După ce l-au dat plăcere să ma uit la ea în schimbare și în creștere vechi. În ultima vreme el a simțit nici o astfel de plăcere. Ea îl ținuse treaz noaptea. După ce a fost plecat, el a fost umplut cu groază ca nu cumva alți ochi ar trebui să arate la ea. Aceasta a adus melancolie peste pasiunile sale. Doar Memoria sa a stricat multe momente de bucurie. A fost ca și cum conștiința lui. Da, ar fi fost conștiință. El ar distruge.
Se uită în jurul și a văzut cuțitul ce a fost înjunghiat Vasile Hallward. El a curățat-o de multe ori, până când nu a existat nici pată lăsat pe el. Acesta a fost strălucitoare, și strălucea. Așa cum a ucis pictor, asa ca ar ucide munca pictorului, și tot ce a însemnat acea. Aceasta ar ucide trecut, iar în momentul în care a murit, el ar fi liber. Aceasta ar ucide acest monstruos sufletească viață, și fără avertismentele hidoase, el ar fi la pace. El a pus mâna pe lucrul, și înjunghiat imaginea cu ea.