
Vreau si eu niste melodii usor de cantat si ritmate, nu chiar foarte vechi!

Răspuns :

worth it fifth harmony
ellie goulding love me like you do
Rihanna And Kanye West And Paul McCartney - FourFiveSeconds
maroon 5 sugar
Every time your near baby 
I get kinda crazy in my head for you 
I don't know what to do 
And oh baby 
I get kinda shaky when they mention you 
I just lose my cool 
My friends tell me 
Something has come over me 
And I think I know what it ïs
My lover's got humour/.... Iubita mea are umor
She's the giggle at a funeral/.... Ea este ca rasul la o inmormantare
Knows everybody's disapproval/.... Cunoaste dezaprobarea tuturor
I should've worshipped her sooner/.... Ar fi trebui s-o idolatrizez mai devreme

If the heavens ever did speak/.... Daca Raiul a vorbit vreodata
She's the last true mouthpiece/.... Ea este ultimul purtator de cuvant
Every Sunday's getting more bleak/.... Fiecare duminica e mai pustie
A fresh poison each week/.... O noua otrava in fiecare saptamana

'We were born sick, ' you heard them say it/.... "Ne-am nascut bolnavi" ii auzi spunand

My Church offers no absolutes/.... Biserica mea nu ofera absoluturi
She tells me, 'Worship in the bedroom"/.... Ea imi spune "idolatrizati in dormitor"
The only heaven I'll be sent to/.... Singurul Rai in care voi fi trimis
Is when I'm alone with you/.... Este cand sunt singur cu tine

I was born sick/.... M-am nascut bolnav
But I love it/.... Dar iubesc asta
Command me to be well/.... Comanda-mi sa fiu cuminte
Amem Amen Amen Amen/.... Amin, amin, amin, amin


Take me to church/.... Du-ma la biserica
I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies/.... Te voi venera ca un caine la altarul tau de
I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife/.... Iti voi spune pacatele mele si iti poti
ascuti cutitul
Offer me that deathless death/.... Ofera-mi moartea aceea nemuritoare
Good God, let me give you my life/.... Bunule Dumnezeu, lasa-ma sa-ti ofer viata mea

If I'm a pagan of the good times/.... Daca sunt un pagan al vremurilor bune
My lover's the sunlight/.... Iubita mea este lumina soarelui
To keep the Goddess on my side/.... Ca sa pastrez zeita de partea mea
She demands a sacrifice/.... Ea necesita un sacrificiu

Drain the whole sea/.... Ineaca toata marea
Get something shiny/.... Ia ceva stralucitor
Something meaty for the main course/.... Ceva carnos pentru felul principal
That's a fine looking high horse/.... Acela e un calut de mare destul de ok
What you got in the stable? /.... Ce ai in grajd? 
We've a lot of starving faithful 

That looks tasty/.... Asta arata gustos
That looks plenty/.... Asta arata imbelsugat
This is hungry work/.... Asta e munca infometata


Take me to church/.... Du-ma la biserica
I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies/.... Te voi venera ca un caine la altarul tau de
I'll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife/.... Iti voi spune pacatele mele ca sa iti poti
ascuti cutitul
Offer me my deathless death/.... Ofera-mi moartea mea nemuritoare
Good God, let me give you my life/.... Bunule Dumnezeu, lasa-ma sa-ti ofer viata mea

No Masters or Kings/.... Fara maestrii sau regi
When the Ritual begins/.... Cand incepe ritualul
There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin/.... Nu e nicio inocenta mai dulce decat pacatul
nostru blajin

In the madness and soil of that sad earthly scene/.... In nebunia si solul acelei triste scene
Only then I am Human/.... Doar asa sunt om
Only then I am Clean/.... Doar asa sunt curat
Amen Amen Amen Amen/.... Amin, amin, amin, amin


Take me to church/... Du-ma la biserica
I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies/.... Te voi venera ca un caine la altarul tau de
I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife/.... Iti voi spune pacatele mele si iti poti
ascuti cutitul
Offer me that deathless death/.... Ofera-mi moartea aceea nemuritoare
Good God, let me give you my life/.... Bunule Dumnezeu, lasa-ma sa-ti ofer vïata mea
