
Cine poate sa traduca?

In Bavaria, we like to wear Dirndl dresses and Lederhose, the traditional clothing (called Tracht) for special events.Dirndl is the Bavarian word for girl and because formerly all women wore this dress, it was given the same name. The traditional style consists of the dress itself (a wide and long skirt with a corsage), a white blouse and a colorful apron. Modern styles are seen in all lengths, from long to mini. Lederhosen (leather trousers) are the male traditional clothing in Bavaria. Lately you can see many women wearing them, too. Leather trousers are usually shorts or knickerbockers; very rarely you see them in long style. The traditional ones are usually braided or embroidered with Bavarian motives like the Edelweiss (a flower from the Alps) and have suspenders.

Răspuns :

In Bavaria ne place sa purtam rochii (Dirndl) si pantaloni de piele (Lederhosen), imbracamintea traditionala (numita port popular) la evenimente speciale. "Dirndl" este cuvantul bavarez pentru "fata" si deoarece pe vremuri toate femeile purtau aceasta rochie, i s-a dat acelasi nume. Stilul traditional e compus din rochia in sine (o fusta larga si lunga cu corsaj), o bluza alba si un sortz colorat. Stilurile modernel sunt de toate lungimile de la lung la mini. Pantalonii de piele sunt imbracamintea traditionala masculina in Bavaria. In ultima vreme poti vedea multe femei purtand pantaloni de piele, de asemenea. Pantalonii de piele sunt de obicei scurti sau trei-sferturi; foarte rar ii vezi lungi. Pantalonii traditionali sunt de obicei cu impletituri sau broderii cu motivel bavareze cum este "floarea de colt" (Edelweiss) si au bretele.