
Traduceti asta in engleza va rog :)))


Stimate Domnule/ Stimata Doamna,
Va adresez aceasta scrisoare de intentie pentru a-mi exprima dorinta de a aplica pentru postul de Programator.NET in cadrul companiei dumneavoastra, care, potrivit anuntului de angajare publicat pe Hipo.ro, consider ca mi se potriveste.
Am absolvit Facultatea de Automatica si Calculatoare din cadrul Universitatii Gheorghe Asachi din Iasi in anul 2008. Pana in prezent, am urmat mai multe cursuri de specializare, din dorinta de a imi multiplica si perfectiona abilitatile dobandite in anii de studiu. Am finalizat cu succes cursul Programming ASP.NET 2.0 and 3.5, Introduction to HTML and CSS si am participat la workshop-ul .NET Patterns and Best Practices.
Detin, de asemenea, certificatul CISCO CCNA (CISCO Certified Netork Associate) precum si alte cateva certificari Microsoft: 70-431 TS: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 – Implementation and Maintenance, 70-526 TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 – Windows-based Client Development, 70-528 TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 – Web-based Client Development, 70-536 TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 – Application.
In ultimii 3 ani am facut parte din echipa Software International, perioada in care, pe langa acumularea de noi cunostinte in domeniu, mi-am dezvoltat si abilitatea de a lucra in echipa si de a comunica eficient. Consider ca aceste competente, alaturi de cunostintele mele in domeniul programarii, ma recomanda pentru postul oferit de compania dumneavoastra.
Documentandu-ma asupra activitatilor derulate de compania dvs., am constatat cu satisfactie ca profilul si realizarile acesteia corespund pe deplin aspiratiilor mele profesionale. Urmaresc sa-mi dezvolt, pe termen lung, competentele profesionale prin implicarea in activitatile si proiectele initiate de compania dvs. si doresc sa aduc un aport semnificativ in procesul de evolutie al companiei.
Va stau la dispozitie pentru urmatoarele etape ale procesului de recrutare.

Va multumesc,
[date de contact]

Răspuns :

Dear Sir/dear Miss
I'm addressing this letter with the intention of applying for the programmer.NET post in your company,which,according to the announcement of employment published on Hipo.ro, I think it suits me.I graduated the faculty of Computer Science of the University Gheorge Asachi from Iasi in 2008.'till now, I attended several training classes,wishing to multiply and  improve my abilities  acquired in the years of study.I successfully completed the course Programming ASP.NET 2.0 and 3.5,Introduction to HTML and CSS and I participated in the workshop.NET Patterns and Best Practices.
  I also own the certificate CISCO CCNA(CISCO Certified Network Associate ) and  some other certifications  Microsoft: 70-526TS:Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0- Web-based Client Development ,70-536 TS: Microsoft.NET Framework 2.-Application.
 In the last 3 years I was part of the Software International team,during which besides the accumulation of new knowledge in the area,I developed the ability of teamwork and to communicate efficient.I believe that these skills,together with my knowledge in programming,suits me for the position offered by your company.
I have documented the activities undertaken by your company,I stated with satisfaction that the profile and its achievements correspond fully to my professional aspirations by engaging in activities and projects initiated by your company.And I want to bring a significant contribution in the evolutionary process of the company.I'm available for the nect stages of the recruitment process .
   Thank you,
[contact dates]