
Exercitiile cele doua daca se poate varog

Exercitiile Cele Doua Daca Se Poate Varog class=
Exercitiile Cele Doua Daca Se Poate Varog class=

Răspuns :

Dear Lia,
  I'm having a great time here in Peru!
I've done everything I wanted to! I did lots of things,I ate all kinds of foods! I went to zoo and saw all the beautiful animals.
Yesterday I went to the summer festival,It was awesome! I ate so much!
  Anyway,I'll say goodbye for now and I'll see you soon.

 Draga Lia
  Ma distrez foarte mult aici in Peru!Am facut tot ce am vrut sa fac! Am facut multe lucruri,am mancat toate felurile de mancare! Am fost la zoo si am vazut animalele frumoase.
Ieri am mers la festivalul de vara,a fost minunat!Am mancat atat de mult!
  In fine,am sa spun la revedere pentru acum si o sa te vad incurand.

   2. Charlie jumped off a high bridge
       They are going to stay the night in the mountains
       On Wednesday,they're going to visit Lake Matheson
       On Friday,they're going to stay on Tonga Island and look at all seals there. Sper ca te-am ajutat! :)
A doua pagina: 2) Charlie. 3) visit to Lake Matheson. 4) staying on Tonga Island and look at all.