
On the other side of the city,a small swallow fell in love with a reed and so,when his fellow swallows flew south for the winter,the little swallow stayed behind. The days grew shorter and the nights longer and it was soon cold outside,so he seallow decided to leave,after all.But just as he was leaving,the sun began to set. So the swallow decided to spend one more night in the city and to go in the morning.
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Răspuns :

De cealalta parte a orasului, o mica randunica s-a indragostit de o trestie si deci cand tovarasii randunicii zburau catre sud pentru iarna, mica randunica a ramas in urma. Zilele s-au scurtat si noptile au fost mai lungi si a fost atat de rece afara, asa ca randunica a decis sa plece la urma urmelor. Dar doar ce a plecat, soarele a inceput sa apuna. Deci randunica s-a decis sa isi petreaca inca o noapte in oras si sa plece dimineata.
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