
AM NEVOIE URGENTA DE AJUTOR !! Traduceti textul in engleza FARA GOOGLE TRANSLATE : Saptamana trecuta am fost cu parintii la bunici . Am sarbatorit alaturi de familia mea ziua bunicii
care a implinit 80 de ani . Am ajutat la pregatirea tortului , am facut felicitari si i-am cumparat un cadou . M-am jucat cu verisorul meu si cu catelusul acestuia , am facut glume , m-am distrat foarte mult . Si tortul a fost cel mai bun , vedeta serii . Debea astept sa merg din nou la bunici .

Răspuns :

Last week I was with my parents to visit my grandparents. We celebrated with my family the birthday of my grandmother, who turned 80 years old. I helped preparing the cake, I made birthday cards and I bought her a gift. I played with my cousin and with his puppy, I made jokes, I enjoyed very much. And the cake was the best,the  star of the evening.I can't  wait to go back to my grandparents.
last week I was with my parents at my grandparents. I celebrated together with my family my grandmother's birthday which turned 80  years.I helped preparing the cake,I made cards and I bought a present .I played with my cousin and with his puppy,I made jokes ,I had much fun.And the cake was the best,the star of the night.I cant wait to go again to parents