
Exercise 8: Check if you can remember what Tim tells you.

Example:I always take care when crossing a road.
He says he always takes care when crossing a road.

1.I never play with matches.
2.I like cooking.
3.I enjoy cycling.
4.I protect myself by wearing a helmet.
5.I always put away my things.
6.I never leave my things around.
7.I belt up in a car on every journey.
8.I swim a lot in summer.
9.I walk to my school.

Va rooggg

Răspuns :


Cerință - Trebuie să transformăm enunțurile pe care le zice Tim de la direct speech la reported speech.


1) I never play with matches.

He says he never plays with matches.

2) I like cookies.

He says he likes cooking.

3) I enjoy cycling.

He says he enjoys cycling.

4) I protect myself by wearing a helmet.

He says he protects himself by wearing a helmet.

5) I always put away my things.

He says he always puts away his things.

6) I never leave my things around.

He says he never leaves his things around.

7) I belt up in a car on every journey.

He says he belts up in a car on every journey.

8) I swim a lot in the summer.

He says he swims a lot in the summer.

9) I walk to my school.

He says he walks to his school.


  1. El spune că nu se joacă niciodată cu chibriturile.
  2. El spune că îi place să gătească.
  3. El spune că îi place să meargă cu bicicleta.
  4. El spune că se protejează purtând o cască.
  5. El spune că își strânge întotdeauna lucrurile.
  6. El spune că nu își lasă niciodată lucrurile împrăștiate.
  7. El spune că își pune întotdeuna centura când merge cu mașina.
  8. El spune că înoată foarte mult vara.
  9. El spune că merge până la școală.

- Lumberjack25