
O compunere cu titlul ''Children of the street'' in care sa va spuneti parerea despre :
-de ce, cum ajung copii pe strada?
-daca stiti cazuri de copii care au ajuns pe strada
-ce masuri ati lua sa nu se mai intample acest lucru
-daca ati ajutat vreodata un copil de pe strada
-care sunt sentimentele sau parerile voastre de acest subiect
Va rog sa ma ajutati, compunerea sa fie de o pagina de caiet mic

Răspuns :

                                 ''Children of the street''
   Children of the street end up on the street because either their parents don't love them and care for them,either they don't have enough money to take care of them.Children of the street have a miserable life and they deserve a better one.
     I don't know any cases of children that ended up on the street,but I see many cases like this on T.V and even my friend said he saw a case like this.Fortunately,the child was found by someone and they adopted him.
     If I could,I would build more orphanages and I would search for homeless and helpless kids. I would fire some urses to take care of them and I would try to make their life better.They wouldn't feel so sad and empty inside.They would get much love.
       Unfortunately,I don't have the possibility to do all these things,but I try my best at helping the helpless how I can.
       I think that adults should think about this more because there are far too many homeless,helpless,poor kids in this world.Unfortunately,without money,people won't do anything.The doctors,the police,everyone wants money. Adults forget the little things that can make someone happy.I think they should invest more in kids and make them happy.
Sper ca e buna,nu sunt prea buna cu compuneriile nici in romana,dar sper ca te-am ajutat! :)