
Buna. As vreau si eu traducerea in limba romana a textului:
“1. Then they were out in the open country. They drove on and on. The Nawab was sprawled next to her on the pearl- grey upholstery. The
country they drove through lay broiling in the sun. It glittered like glass and seemed to stretch out  endlessly. At one point the Nawab reached
across Olivia to pull down the blind on her window, as if wanting to spare her sight of all that parched land. Her dress stuck to the back of her
legs with perspiration and she was afraid that, when she go out, it would be all wrinkled over the seat and look awful.
… After a while the car couldn`t go any further and they all had to get out and walk. The Nawab still didn`t say anything, though sometimes he
held some branches aside to make it easier for Olivia to walk. But still she got scratched by thorns and also some insects were biting her; straw
hat had slipped to one side and she was very hot and near to tears. The Nawab led the way, spotless in his white suit and white- and- tan shoes.


Răspuns :

apoi ei erau afara in camp deschis.au condus in continuu.Nawab-ul s-a intins langa ea pe tapiteria de culoare gri-perla. Tara prin care au condus era asezata in zona soarelui arzator.Stralucea ca sticla si se parea ca se intinde la nesfarsit.La un moment dat Nawab-ul a ajuns peste Olivia, ca sa traga jaluzeaua de la oglinda in jos,ca si cum ar fi vrut sa-i schimbe vederea catre terenul uscat. Rochia ei era blocata la spatele picioarelor ei si ii era frica ca atunci cand se va duce afara, rochia va fi toata sifonata si va arata oribil.
Dupa un timp, masina nu mai putea sa mearga mai departe si toti au fost nevoiti sa iasa afara si sa mearga pe jos. Nawab-ul inca nu spunea nimic, chiar daca cateodata el intindea niste crengute catre Olivia, ca sa-i faca mersul mai usor. Dar totusi, ea s-a sgariat in spini si, de asemenea, niste insecte o intepau ; Palaria de paie a alunecat intr-o parte si ei ii era foarte cald si era aproape sa planga. Nawab-ul a aratat calea, imaculat in costumul lui alb si pantofii albi-cafenii.